ATV-Mounted Air Duster
This ATV-mounted air duster is designed to dust prairie dog burrows for fleas, by delivering powdered insecticides to the burrows. These dusters can help drastically reduce the amount of time necessary for maintaining vector control and aid in on-going plague management efforts.
Part Number: GRW-301
Price: $2000 + S&H
- Delivers approximately 6 grams of dust per burrow in a 1 second blast
- Mounts directly to an ATV
- Powered by 12V DC battery from the ATV
- 120 psi holding tank for air
- 20-25 psi pressure release with each blast of dust
- A quick connect wiring harness ensures simple installation and removal to and from the ATV's electrical system.
- Detachable wand assembly that can be used with other units, including high-pressure air dusters